Most of us went into technology because we were good at it or we loved being the hero for people when things broke. As we succeeded in delivering on technical aspects of the business, we were promoted. I meet many people in IT who are stuck with one foot in operations and one in management. They do not want to let go of their geeky side or the satisfaction of being the hero but in order to advance their career, IT professionals have to let go of the past and focus on high value activities. We love to learn about the latest gadget, internet of things (IoT), and Blockchain. But we need to be learning how our business works, how the money flows, and what work our team does that is of value to the business.
My name is Tina Marie Baugh and I am passionate about helping my peers in IT learn how to talk business, tie business goals to IT work, and deliver true business value. This is how we make IT invaluable. This is how we get back our Superman cape.
In this blog I will share share information and tactics to help you:
Build and manage a great IT team
Determine business goals
Align your team’s work with the business no matter where you are in the organization
Manage your professional career
Love the work you do
Sounds like I am promising a great deal, right? This information has taken me years to gather, learn, and refine. I will share resources from inspirational thought leaders as well as my own checklists, worksheets, and templates. I want to help other IT leaders grow so we in IT can be the key to the solution again, not the problem.

Please comment if you have any particular questions you would like me to answer or topics you would like me to cover. I would really like to learn more about you and know if I can help you grow.
Next up, staying calm in the IT storm, are you a rock for your team?
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