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I was recently visiting with a friend and colleague, catching up around the craziness that defines our time. I asked him what #onething he is working on right now. The conversation has launched this post! His “one thing” is to focus on being in the right conversations to ensure he can add value to his organization. #Inspiration
What if we all did this? Most of us are not C-level people, right? There are only a few of those in each organization. Most of us #lead from where we are; not from the very top, not from the very bottom, more of the middle. What if instead of taking tasks on during meetings, adding another project to this list, we placed ourselves in the meetings where we are part of the conversation to influence the work?
For example, the task has come down that we need a security assessment because a large swath of malware has been detected and we need to know what other security risks are out there. Go forth and produce.... Are you sure that is a clear enough project to add value to the organization? Get in front of stakeholders, probe a bit more, collaborate and develop an actual return on investment with metrics of success. Make sure everyone sees you and your team as adding value to the effort instead of just receiving orders and executing them. Do not slow down this critical project. Pause though long enough to invest time to define exactly the outcomes everyone is seeking. The ensures you and your team deliver value to the organization. #ClarityDeliversResults
P.S. Curious about the #onething reference? Learn more at https://www.the1thing.com/.